Hello! We’ve been busy travelling around the past month which has meant I haven’t been able to devote as much attention to ‘Baby Loves to Travel’ as I would have liked. Having just spent 2 wonderful weeks holidaying in Malta I have much to write and tell about. I’m now lakeside in sunny Canada for a couple of weeks which will give me time to rest and write about our recent adventures.
In the meantime, I thought I would showcase some great posts from my fellow family travel bloggers. Please do check them out:
– Living on the Road on the first 500 days of full-time travel ‘After 500 days I still struggle with’
– Team Trekaroo racing to the Alamo ‘Help Trekaroo race to the Alamo and win a trip to San Antonio including transportation’
– Family on Bikes discussing ‘Why do some people live their dreams while others don’t?’
– Have Baby Will Travel on travelling WITHOUT baby ‘Travel Stories: A little jaunt without Baby’
– Frisco Kids on why travel can be so great for kids ‘A Q&A on Transformative Travel with Kids’
– Raising Miro’s ‘A Naked Reflection of 700 days on the road’
– Wandering Educators offering ‘Top 10 travel tips for flying families’
– Go Big or Go Home describing their first trip abroad as a family ‘World’s Tallest Inclined Tower, Montreal, QC’
great list – thank you! off to read…
Thank you for including us! Looking forward to reading about others’ adventures!
Thank you so much for inckuding us. I enjoyed checking out these links.